
Saturday, November 19, 2011

A xenophilic day in Durham

I started off by going to the Eno River to chase the Great "White" Heron that had been reported.
White morph Great Blue Heron

Sure enough.  This thing was no Egret!

Monday, November 14, 2011

A gorgeous morning of birds in SWAMP

I led a group of students from the Duke Student Association of Wetland Scientists (SAWS), Nicnats and the Duke Natural History Society (DNHS) out on bird walk in SWAMP yesterday.
Awesome people (from left Kai, Katie, Tong, Paul)
The weather and leaves were equally gorgeous and birds seemed especially active as if wanting to make the most of the warmth and sun.  Every dense patch of grass and bushes seemed to be saturated with calling sparrows.  The resident Red-shouldered Hawk cooperatively posed for photos by the dam.