Friday, December 5, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
In whose hands lies the future for birds?
Last month Nate Swick, Natalia Ocampo-Penuela and I led the inaugural "Introduction to birding for young birders" trip for the Wings Over Water National Wildlife Refuge.
south dike of North Pond, Pea Island NWR, photo by Natalia Ocampo-Penuela |
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Observation tower at the north pond of Pea Island NWR, photo by Natalia Ocampo-Penuela |
Pea Island, with its abundant large and conspicuous birds, is the ideal location for getting youngsters interested in birds.
birding the beach and ocean across from Pea Island NWR visitors center |
Including seabirds spotted on the far side of NC-12 the kids were each able to see at least 50 species.
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group shot, photo by mom |
After birding so much in North Carolina, it gets harder and harder to see new birds; with a NC list of 360, I've definitely gone beyond the point of diminishing returns. Showing birds to younger folks is an opportunity to re-experience the novelty of birding and the excitement of each newly encountered species.
Besides the future of these birds lies in these kids' hands, right? Let us hope that some among them may become advocates for birds and their habitats.
North Carolina,
Outer Banks,
Pea Island,
wings over water,
young birders
Birds in a Changing World: Birding 101
If you every struggle to explain your birding lifestyle--why you have the urge to drop a local green-way during migration or a local pond in the dead of winter, then my latest Birds in a Changing World post, "Birding 101," may be of use.
It's specifically targeted at Duke graduate students, but could be useful reading for any muggle (non-birder) in your life.
It's specifically targeted at Duke graduate students, but could be useful reading for any muggle (non-birder) in your life.
Birds in a Changing World,
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Birds in a Changing World: Birding in North Carolina
Up now on my Nicholas School of the Environment blog: Birds in a Changing World is a post called: "Birding in North Carolina."
It is a primer on the bird diversity of NC written for the uninitiated, but birders of all levels should find it enjoyable. Check it out!
It is a primer on the bird diversity of NC written for the uninitiated, but birders of all levels should find it enjoyable. Check it out!
Birds in a Changing World,
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Birds in a Changing World
This fall I applied and was accepted to a spot on the Duke Environment 'blogging team.' Hooray!
No longer am I a lone wolf (err... lone bird), but now have co-conspirators and an institutional platform from which to spout my bird-brained thoughts.
Don't fear--this does not mark the end of Birds on the Brain; I will continue to post birding stories here.
But I invite you to check out my new blog, 'Birds in a Changing World,' where I have already begun experimenting with some new narrative angles. Come take a look: my first post, Will our Love for Birds Help Them Survive Environmental Catastrophe, is a manifesto of sorts.
I hope to put more emphasis on science and hopefully reduce the use of obscure birder jargon, like "passerine," or "Thayer's Gull," or "cloaca" to appeal to a more muggle readership. If you have been enjoying my writing here over the past four years, I'm sure you'll have lots to look forward to in my shiny new (second) home.
I'll be sure to cross-link future posts here as well. Click them early and often and leave comments (unless you're my mom; Google analytics filters those out) so I don't get cut from the team!
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Overenthusiastic team photo |
No longer am I a lone wolf (err... lone bird), but now have co-conspirators and an institutional platform from which to spout my bird-brained thoughts.
Don't fear--this does not mark the end of Birds on the Brain; I will continue to post birding stories here.
But I invite you to check out my new blog, 'Birds in a Changing World,' where I have already begun experimenting with some new narrative angles. Come take a look: my first post, Will our Love for Birds Help Them Survive Environmental Catastrophe, is a manifesto of sorts.
I hope to put more emphasis on science and hopefully reduce the use of obscure birder jargon, like "passerine," or "Thayer's Gull," or "cloaca" to appeal to a more muggle readership. If you have been enjoying my writing here over the past four years, I'm sure you'll have lots to look forward to in my shiny new (second) home.
I'll be sure to cross-link future posts here as well. Click them early and often and leave comments (unless you're my mom; Google analytics filters those out) so I don't get cut from the team!
Birds in a Changing World,
Friday, September 19, 2014
Birds of Colombia: Secretive Skulkers
The feeder birds are as easy in Colombia as anywhere else. But maybe you came for the tough birds--the 'birder's birds.'
Well if you read the previous post, then you’ve already seen
examples from one of the most notorious of mossy undergrowth skulkers, the
Unless you go someplace where
they’ve been conditioned Pavlov-style to associate humans with free worms
they’re near impossible to get a good look at, even when blasting obnoxious
amounts of playback. We found one exception to this rule in the paramo where Tawny Antpittas apparently sit up on fence posts
to sing!
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Tawny Antpitta, Los Nevados National park |
Oddly, the normally invisible Sedge Wren (though this flavor will almost certainly be split out eventually), exhibits similar behavior in this area.
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Sedge Wren, Los Nevados National Park |
In addition to the aforementioned antpittas, other birds that come to feeders have relatives who do not and can be really tough to see. Even the bright and in-your-face tanager family contains some timid undergrowth species.
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Black-backed Bush Tanager, Los Nevados National Park |
Black-backed Bush Tanager (aka Black-backed Bush Finch, the only member of the
genus Urothraupis) was unusually cooperative. Usually they stay hidden.
And hummingbirds, when they aren't after nectar, hide ocassionally as well…
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Greenish Puffleg nest, Tatama National Park |
…like when they’re sitting on eggs!
But the point of this point is introduce some of the tougher
brownish and blackish birds that exist only in the neotropics and often get
outshown by the colorful and conspicuous.
Two large groups comprise the bulk of the diversity: 1) the thamnophilids,
popularly known as Antbirds (or “ant-things,” as Will likes to call them since
they include antbirds, antwrens and antshrikes); and 2) the Furnariids,
sometimes called “ovenbirds,” despite the fact that only one small subgroup
actually constructs ovens.
We saw 13 species of Antbirds, but unfortunately the most
cooperative one was also the most boring, the well-named Uniform Antshrike.
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Uniform Antshrike, Chestnut-capped Piha Reserve |
The rest stayed true to form and avoided camera lenses and
Summing all our woodcreepers, spinetails, foliage-gleaners,
treerunners, et al. yields 29 furnariid species for the trip. The foliage-gleaners usually aren’t much higher than eye
level, but this Buff-fronted sat out in the sub-canopy where it went to work on
some sort of insect larva.
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Buff-fronted Foliage-Gleaner, Chestnut-capped Piha Reserve |
Spinetails are generally hard to see at all, but we got a
few great looks at these Azara’s.
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Azara's Spinetails, Valle de Cauca |
Once again up at 3500 meters altitude in the paramo where
the vegetation gets sparse some of these birds get a lot easier.
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Stout-billed Cinclodes, Los Nevados National Park |
This Stout-billed Cinclodes didn’t seem to
care about much of anything but sitting on this fence post.
Another difficult group familiar to us northerners are, of
course, the owls. Normally I have
terrible luck with tropical owls, but on this trip we had some of the best
owling I’ve ever experiences anywhere.
As a group we saw (yes, with our eyes!) five owl species: Tropical Screech-owl,
White-throated Screech-Owl, Colombian Screech-Owl…
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Stygian Owl, Chetnut-capped Piha Reserve |
…and this Stygian Owl, which was among our favorite encounters
of the trip.
The Stygian Owl was right outside the lodge at the Chestnut-capped
Piha Reserve, unfortunately Mark was sequestered away laundering his
socks. We couldn’t find him and so he
missed it—tragic, given his love for owls, as demonstrated by his owl
conservation work in North Carolina for New Hope Audubon Society.
Not 15 minutes after getting over Stygian Owl euphoria, we
stumbled upon this Mottled Owl…
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Mottled Owl, Chestnut-capped Piha Reserve |
…which I was thrilled to be able to remove from my ‘heard-only’
We’ll end this post and this Colombia series with a bird group that in the
modal human consciousness is probably most-associated with the tropics: parrots!
“But wait!” you’re thinking. “Parrots are brightly colored
and don’t skulk and hide.” Yes, but they’re brightly colored green. It isn’t an accident that green is also the
color of leaves! So they are either: 1) surprisingly well camouflaged in the canopy, or 2) silhouettes
screeching and flying high overhead identifiable only to genus level unless you
can sort out their screech notes. While
we recorded perhaps a dozen psittacid species, the number that gave soul-satisfying
views could almost fit on one hand.
We were lucky in that among the handful that cooperated were
some real gems:
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Golden-Plumed Parakeet, Vulnerable Colombian endemic, Rio Blanco Reserve |
Golden-plumed Parakeets are notoriously difficult and this
was a lifer even for Natalia who has spent extensive time in appropriate Andean
Another parrot, the Rufous-fronted Parakeet, a Vulnerable Colombian endemic, was
one of our primary targets for our trip to the paramo of Los Nevados. After an unsuccessful morning of searching we
were ready to call it a miss. Fortunately Jacob had gotten into the habit of skipping lunch to beat
for the bush for extra birds and in this instance his fast paid off for the whole
group. When he came sprinted up the road screaming about parrots
everybody ditched their café y huevos con pancito and tore after him.
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Rufous-fronted Parakeet, Los Nevados National Park |
It was well worth letting breakfast and coffee get cold to see a flock of nine of these odd, cute parakeets!
This will be my last Colombia post until the next trip (in
case you missed the last two: part 1 and part 2) and I’ve still just scratched
the surface, really.
So many awesome things had to be left out, like the
Black-billed Mountain-Toucan; or the vagrant Near-Threatened Orinoco Goose that
we found at the Sonso wetland two Andean cordilleras west of its expected
range; or this awesome skulking Tody Motmot that Jacob finally found for us
after an hour of unsuccessful searching for the source of the
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Tody Motmot, Antioquia |
Well I guess that last one made it in!
It’s been a few weeks now, but I’m still feeling the effects of withdrawal. Hopefully some fall migrants
this weekend can shake off the post-neotropical birding funk.
Sedge Wren,
South America,
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Birds of Colombia: the joy of tropical bird feeding
This is another post about birds I
recently saw in Colombia. For the first, most important installment, click here.
Here birdie, birdie, birdie!
Here birdie, birdie, birdie!
Where would birding be without backyard feeders? Birder or not, most people in the US become familiar
with birds as the cute little feathered things that eat seeds out of a tray in
the backyard.
Bird feeding is not as ubiquitous in the tropics as it is in
the states, but where it happens, the
results are often spectacular.
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Blue-necked Tanager, Chestnut-capped Piha Reserve |
and thistle won’t get you far here; it’s all about the bananas!
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Silver-throated Tanager, Chestnut-capped Piha Reserve |
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Bay-headed Tanager, Chestnut-capped Piha Reserve |
Every elevation offers a slightly different assemblage of
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Golden Tanager, Tatama National Park |
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Colombian Chachalaca, Chestnut-capped Piha Reserve |
What?! Get out of here you chachalaca! These bananas aren’t for you.
Of course not all the tanagers go for bananas. This young Multicolored Tanager (Vulnerable Colombian endemic) seemed to prefer the worms offered up by its parent.
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immature Multicolored Tanager begging mom for food, Otun Quimbaya National Park |
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Yum! |
And then there’s the nectar-feeders. Yeah, a few lucky folks in southern Arizona
might enjoy a regular hummingbird spectacle, but the diversity down here is off
the charts. We saw a whopping 50 species, including some real stunners:
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young Violet-tailed Sylph, Tatama National Park |
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Black-thighed Puffleg, Los Nevados National Park - Near-threatened |
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Blue-headed Sapphire, Valle de Cauca - Colombian endemic |
Imagine if people in the US could see this array from the
kitchen window. I reckon the outlook
for Neotropical birds would be much rosier.
Sadly, habitat loss threatens far too many Colombian
bird species. About 5% of the species we
saw are listed as threatened (or "near-threatened") by the IUCN, including the critically endangered
Munchique Wood-Wren, which is known from just one mountain ridge in Tatama National
In addition to the Cauca Guan and Chestnut-capped Piha shown in the last
post, I also got decent photos of these threatened species:
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Gold-ringed Tanager, Tatama National Park - Vulnerable Colombian endemic |
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Buffy Helmetcrest, Los Nevados National Park - Vulnerable Colombian endemic |
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White-mantled Barbet, Chestnut-capped Piha Reserve - Vulnerable Colombian endemic |
In some places you can even feed the endangered
species. Antpitta feeding was invented
by Angel Paz in Ecuador, but it has been emulated since by other reserves throughout the Andes. At Rio Blanco reserve our
antpitta whisperer, Alvero, drew four species to us with worms. Including the beautiful, but not endangered
Chestnut-capped Antpitta...
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Chestnut-capped Antpitta, Rio Blaco Reserve |
...and the less-beautiful, but vulnerable and Colombian
endemic Brown-banded Antpitta.
Also seen was the Vulnerable Bicolored Antpitta and Slaty-crowned Antpitta.
There’s no shame in feeder watching in Colombia where there
are endemic and threatened birds to see!
In some places all you have to do is throw the compost out
the back door and you’ll have rails running up to your feet.
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Blackish Rail, Tatama National Park |
The previous Colombia post caused some people to reevaluate their lives and birding lifestyles. I sure hope this one didn't ruin your enjoyment of cardinals and chickadees!
Next time we will peer through undergrowth and darkness in search of skulking species. Hope to see you there (unlike most of the tapaculos).
Next time we will peer through undergrowth and darkness in search of skulking species. Hope to see you there (unlike most of the tapaculos).
bird feeder,
South America,
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Welcome to Colombia, Birdiest Country on Earth
My retinas are still scorched from gaudy tanagers and glittering hummingbirds; my ears still ringing from exuberant antshrike and tapaculo songs; and my brain still trying to comprehend how this guan, once overhunted in dwindling forest fragments to the point of presumed extinction, sat in a tree in front of me to be photographed.
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Cauca Guan, Otun Quimbaya National Park - Endangered Colombian endemic, less than 1000 mature individuals remain |
This wasn’t my first time around the block in South America,
but I’m not sure I’ve sustained such a fast and hard birding pace over so many
days before anywhere. Natalia Ocampo-Penuela
assembled a dream team of eight natural scientist friends, planned an
optimal route from Cali to Medellin, and collectively we managed to log nearly
500 of Colombia's 1900+ bird species (making it #1 in the world) in just 12 days in the Colombian Andes.
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the Dream Team atop a peak in Tatama National Park |
To put that in perspective, I’m still waiting to tick my 500th
species for the United States, the country where I’ve lived and birded for over
a decade.
For hardcore listers, that’s the magic of birding the
neotropics—one can see in 12 days the avian diversity that it might take 12
years to experience in the temperate zone.
For the more aesthetically-minded, it offers the chance to see some of
the most bizarre and beautiful creatures on the planet while wandering through
primeval landscapes.
And birds are just the tip of an iceberg for the entemologically-(or botanically)-inclined.
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Golden-crowned Tanager, Los Nevados National Park |
And birds are just the tip of an iceberg for the entemologically-(or botanically)-inclined.
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Will (our team lepidopterist) making the most of a midday bird lull |
Our trip took us from the Pacific lowland rainforests of San
Cipriano, where we rode Brujitas (“little witches” is a literal translation for
the name of the motorbike-powered rail platforms used there for transport) up to the open Paramo of Los
Nevados National Park. And we covered the breadth of cloud forest elevations between
all over the Western and Central Andes.
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Trip Route |
We saw so many birds and bird families, but I always get
asked, “which was your favorite?” So let’s start there.
I struggle with favorites, especially with so many to choose
from, but one of them has to be the Red-ruffed Fruitcrow, a hawk-sized monster
in the cotinga family and one of New World’s largest passerines.
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Red-ruffed Fruitcrow, Otun Quimbaya National Park |
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Red-ruffed Fruitcrow, Otun Quimbaya National Park |
We did
well on cotingas on the trip, spotting 8 members of this diverse family
including one that rivals the Cauca Guan in terms of absolute rarity, the
Chestnut-capped Piha.
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Chestnut-capped Piha (look at that cap!), Chesnut-capped Piha Reserve - Endangered Colombian endemic |
An estimated 750 to 1250 Chestnut-capped Pihas remain in
existence. Not surprisingly the species
is endemic to Colombia and is listed as endangered. We saw ours in the well-named
“Chestnut-capped Piha Reserve,” essentially the only place they are known to
Also included with the Cotingas were three fruiteater
species we saw, the most common and cooperative of which was the Green-and-black
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Green-and-Black Fruiteater male, Tatama National Park |
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Green-and-black Fruiteater female, Tatama National Park |
Natalia’s favorite bird of the trip was also a cotinga, this
Black-tipped Cotinga of which we saw several in San Cipriano. While most tropical birds are either colorful
or camouflaged, this bird is one of the few in the forest that is almost
entirely white.
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Black-tipped Cotinga, San Cipriano - totally blown out white in this photo |
At the other end of the size spectrum from the fruitcrow
lies the Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant, which is the world’s smallest passerine
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Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant, San Cipriano - world's smallest passerine |
This cute guy belongs to the much maligned tyrant flycatcher family,
the most diverse bird family in both Colombia and South America. Birders like to hate on tyrant flycatchers
because “they all look the same.” While
that’s true of some groups (I’m looking at you elaenia!), we stumbled upon several of the more distinctive and
attractive examples among more than 50 flycatcher species encountered on the
Fork-tailed Flycatcher is a bird that if it should appear in North Carolina might inspire psychotic birders to drive
hours in chase, whereas in Colombia it’s kind of a ho-hum
yard bird.
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Fork-tailed Flycatcher, near Cali |
Same goes for the most brilliant of all tyrannids, the
Vermillion Flycatcher.
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Vermillion Flycatcher, near Cali |
Cinnamon Flycatchers, as cute as they look, are “trash
birds” of the cloud forest. Even the
birders that scream “eagle!” at every passing Black Vulture quickly learn to
ignore this ubiquitous tyrant.
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Cinnamon Flycatcher, Montezuma |
Unfortunately my photo of one of the cutest flycatchers of
all, the Rufous-crowned Tody-Flycatcher came out blurry…
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Rufous-crowned Tody-Flycatcher, Rio Blanco Reserve |
…so take this Black-headed Tody-Flycatcher instead.
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Black-headed Tody-Flycatcher, Antioquia |
Let's take an interlude here for a quick, old-fashioned, near-death-experience story:
About halfway into the trip I learned about one of the risks that comes with birding in the tropics. At night at the Montezuma Lodge in Tatama
National Park, thousands of moths and other nocturnal insects would swarm at
the lights over our dinner table. A
kaleidoscope of unimaginably ornate, delicate things crashing into the walls,
lighting on shirt sleeves. As I stooped
to examine some sort of behemoth rhinoceros beetle that had just bounced off
the ceiling when I felt a sharp pain in my neck. Ouch!
I reflexively reached for the pain and felt nothing but a rapidly forming
welt. As my companions sitting around
the table recounted the day’s dozen hummingbirds, I felt my head grow hot as if
swelling. My lips began to inflate and
face grew tight. My body itched
everywhere. Was I being bitten by bugs? No. I
was going into anaphylactic shock!
Our team doctor, Mr. Mark K. (not an actual doctor)
administered antihistamine, which may or may not have saved my life. I spent the next couple hours wheezing,
trying to will my throat not to seal itself shut. The closest hospital was at least 6 hours away
on rough roads, so a medical evacuation was never even worth considering.
This condition presented a novel conundrum for me: I figured I should try to come up with some
profound and choice last words, but at the same time I didn't want to
waste any breath on speech.
Anyway, since you’re reading this, I obviously made it
through. In fact I was out birding the first thing the next morning. But sometimes there’s a balance between
chasing lifers and staying alive.
So where were we? Right, we covered a couple of the perch-and-sally-types, the Cotingas and Flycatchers. Let’s talk about the ducks for a hot second and call it a day!
Ducks in the tropics? Indeed.
During our morning at the Sonso wetland down in the Cauca
valley between the central and western cordilleras, we spotted Fulvous and
Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks, Cinnamon and early migrating Blue-winged Teal;
and in Los Nevados we spotted four Andean Teal and an Andean Ruddy Duck.
But the best duck of the trip (if not of all time!) came at
a random roadside stop on the way to Otun.
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Torrent Duck family, Risaralda |
I had seen Torrent Ducks before, but never a whole family
all together battling the rapids!
Enjoy the video.
In the next post we will explore the joy of tropical bird feeding (expect colorful Tanagers and Hummingbirds!).
Stay tuned and stay safe!
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