Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks have been showing up all over the place recently, with brief appearances in each of North Carolina's three physiographic regions: mountains, piedmont and coastal plain, as well as northern outliers turning up Massachusetts and New Brunswick all in the last several weeks. So on the one hand, a record of this species at Mattamuskeet is probably long over due. Yet prior to 2013 there were only two formally confirmed North Carolina occurrences, so the pair I stumbled upon on Monday is certainly worth some excited documentation.
It all began innocently enough. With the recent discovery of White-faced Ibises hanging around the refuge (see
this post and
this post) I have been giving any Glossy Ibises I see a second look if I get the chance. The long days of late June meant that after 13 hours of field work there
was still plenty of daylight and I somehow had the energy to scrutinize
some distant ibises.
I picked out a couple young of the year glossies showing some odd white markings on the neck and crown, which I've never before seen in photos of field guides.
freshly fledged Glossy Ibis, Mattamuskeet NWR |
Glossy Ibis, Mattamuskeet NWR |
I stopped as I was driving out and hopped out of my car planning to scope some distant ibis when I noticed this cute pair of ducks right in front of me.
Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks, Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge |
The provenance question always comes up with vagrant duck species. This pair shuffled away from me, but didn't take immediate flight, which gave me some decent photographic opportunities.
Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Mattamuskeet NWR |
They dabbled among the marsh plants (looks like the invasive Alligator Weed) a bit.
Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks Mattamuskeet, NWR |
Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks, Mattamuskeet NWR |
They seemed to be quite at home among the other impoundment denizens.
Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks with Snowy Egret, Glossy Ibis, White Ibis |
They eventually began to preen.
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Mattamuskeet NWR |
I'm not sure what to make of this 'dance.'
After about 30 minutes the Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks abruptly picked
up. I followed them with binoculars and then switched to my scope
until they became just wiggling dots against the sky that disappeared
below the horizon to the south-southeast. I thought that perhaps they
might have resettled in one of the refuge impoundments in that
direction, but a half-hearted search the following day failed to turn
any up. It seems like these ducks do not frequently linger after being found.
In between shots of the Whistling-Ducks, I noticed a male Northern Pintail that had foregone the standard northern migration. He was keeping company with what appears to be a female Mottled Duck, another southern duck species with a complicated local history of anthropogenic introduction and showing a trend of northward expansion.
female Mottled Duck (right) with Northern Pintail, Mattamuskeet NWR |
All at once I've got two species of duck that could possibly be considered first records for Hyde County if the authorities can stomach provenance concerns.
What will turn up at Mattamuskeet next? Perhaps a Purple Gallinule? There have been plenty of those turning up in NC lately, but it would take a good bit of luck to discover one among the sprawl of habitat available on the refuge.
Until next time...