After the crazy streak of rare shorebirds on upper Falls Lake this fall I realized I had a pretty decent Durham County list going for the year. And with Nate Swick of the Drinking Bird doing his Triangle Big Year, John Vanderpoel on the brink of setting an ABA record, and with that awesome, star-studded, money-losing movie coming out, I figured why not jump on this band wagon?
I’m proud to report that my Durham County big year total of 181 species sets a new record!!* Yet I have to admit, improvement is more than possible. An area as small as Durham County can be covered with relative ease, and according to ebird 217 species were reported for 2011. I missed a lot of birds simply because I hadn’t really begun making any special effort until the year had mostly passed.
*Only because nobody has ever been silly enough to keep such records. And in the event that somebody has been so silly, I have no idea whether or not this is a record beyond what ebird tells me.
The most glaring misses are: a few breeding warblers—Hooded, Kentucky and Yellow-breasted Chat (I was in Europe for most of May); several ducks—Am. Black Duck, Pintail, Red-breasted Merganser, Redhead, Canvasback, Greater Scaup (I just didn’t bird Falls Lake until August this year); and some birds that I would try to see in the waning days of 2011 if I weren’t so busy criss-crossing the southeast seeing relatives and helping with coastal Christmas counts—Snipe, Woodcock, Fox Sparow.
But these silly misses are counteracted by 26 shorebird species including some gems: Red-necked Phalarope, American Oystercatcher (first county record?), Piping Plover, Red Knot, American Golden-Plover, Buff-breasted Sandpiper and Long-billed Dowitcher (first county record?). The two shorebirds that eluded me were Ruddy Turnstone, which I somehow missed multiple times at Falls, and Wilson’s Phalarope, of which I saw two, but both were on the Granville County side of Falls Lake.
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Shorebird mayhem at Falls Lake |
I also had some dumb luck that brought me a Tundra Swan at Falls Lake, a Common Raven at a shopping center, a Mississippi Kite flyover at my parents’ house, and a Nashville Warbler that turned up outside my classroom…all birds that I could never expect to find in Durham that somehow found me instead.
Then there were the Wood Storks, the Parasitic Jaeger, the Anhinga, and the Greater White-fronted Goose (another Durham county first?). A real big year effort beginning on January 1 might have had these oddities push me over the 200 mark, but I guess that will have to wait for another year (and probably another birder!)
Happy 2012!
# | Species | Location | Date |
1 | Canada Goose | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
2 | Mallard | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
3 | Great Blue Heron | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
4 | Red-shouldered Hawk | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
5 | Belted Kingfisher | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
6 | Red-bellied Woodpecker | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
7 | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
8 | Downy Woodpecker | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
9 | Northern Flicker | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
10 | Blue Jay | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
11 | American Crow | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
12 | Carolina Chickadee | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
13 | Tufted Titmouse | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
14 | White-breasted Nuthatch | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
15 | Carolina Wren | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
16 | Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
17 | Eastern Bluebird | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
18 | Hermit Thrush | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
19 | American Robin | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
20 | Brown Thrasher | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
21 | Eastern Towhee | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
22 | White-throated Sparrow | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
23 | Northern Cardinal | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
24 | Purple Finch | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
25 | American Goldfinch | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 6-Jan-11 |
26 | Red-tailed Hawk | Maplewood House | 12-Jan-11 |
27 | Cedar Waxwing | Maplewood House | 12-Jan-11 |
28 | Cooper's Hawk | Maplewood House | 14-Jan-11 |
29 | Yellow-rumped Warbler | Maplewood House | 15-Jan-11 |
30 | Dark-eyed Junco | Maplewood House | 18-Jan-11 |
31 | Mourning Dove | Maplewood House | 22-Jan-11 |
32 | Northern Mockingbird | Maplewood House | 22-Jan-11 |
33 | Pine Warbler | Maplewood House | 22-Jan-11 |
34 | House Sparrow | Maplewood House | 22-Jan-11 |
35 | Hairy Woodpecker | Mud Creek | 24-Jan-11 |
36 | Red-breasted Nuthatch | Mud Creek | 24-Jan-11 |
37 | Brown-headed Nuthatch | Mud Creek | 24-Jan-11 |
38 | Brown Creeper | Mud Creek | 24-Jan-11 |
39 | Chipping Sparrow | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 24-Jan-11 |
40 | Field Sparrow | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 24-Jan-11 |
41 | Song Sparrow | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 24-Jan-11 |
42 | Swamp Sparrow | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 24-Jan-11 |
43 | House Finch | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 24-Jan-11 |
44 | Pine Siskin | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 24-Jan-11 |
45 | Turkey Vulture | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 31-Jan-11 |
46 | Winter Wren | Mud Creek | 31-Jan-11 |
47 | Eastern Phoebe | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 9-Feb-11 |
48 | Golden-crowned Kinglet | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 9-Feb-11 |
49 | Red-winged Blackbird | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 9-Feb-11 |
50 | European Starling | Maplewood House | 9-Feb-11 |
51 | Fish Crow | Maplewood House | 21-Feb-11 |
52 | Savannah Sparrow | Maplewood House | 2-Mar-11 |
53 | Common Grackle | Maplewood House | 21-Mar-11 |
54 | Common Raven | New Hope Commons | 6-Apr-11 |
55 | Northern Rough-winged Swallow | New Hope Commons | 6-Apr-11 |
56 | Chimney Swift | Maplewood House | 12-Apr-11 |
57 | Great Crested Flycatcher | Maplewood House | 12-Apr-11 |
58 | House Wren | Maplewood House | 15-Apr-11 |
59 | Red-eyed Vireo | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 15-Apr-11 |
60 | Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 15-Apr-11 |
61 | Northern Parula | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 15-Apr-11 |
62 | Prairie Warbler | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 15-Apr-11 |
63 | Wood Duck | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
64 | Wild Turkey | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
65 | Double-crested Cormorant | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
66 | Black Vulture | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
67 | Barred Owl | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
68 | Ruby-throated Hummingbird | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
69 | Red-headed Woodpecker | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
70 | Pileated Woodpecker | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
71 | White-eyed Vireo | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
72 | Tree Swallow | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
73 | Barn Swallow | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
74 | Ovenbird | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
75 | Northern Waterthrush | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
76 | Prothonotary Warbler | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
77 | Common Yellowthroat | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
78 | Yellow-throated Warbler | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
79 | Summer Tanager | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
80 | Brown-headed Cowbird | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 17-Apr-11 |
81 | Green Heron | Flat River Waterfowl Impoundment | 17-Apr-11 |
82 | Sharp-shinned Hawk | Flat River Waterfowl Impoundment | 17-Apr-11 |
83 | Palm Warbler | Flat River Waterfowl Impoundment | 17-Apr-11 |
84 | Eastern Kingbird | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 21-Apr-11 |
85 | Scarlet Tanager | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 21-Apr-11 |
86 | Indigo Bunting | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 21-Apr-11 |
87 | Black-and-white Warbler | Maplewood House | 25-Apr-11 |
88 | Gray Catbird | Maplewood House | 25-Apr-11 |
89 | American Redstart | Maplewood House | 26-Apr-11 |
90 | Solitary Sandpiper | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 26-Apr-11 |
91 | Blue Grosbeak | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 27-Apr-11 |
92 | Yellow Warbler | Maplewood House | 30-Apr-11 |
Mute Swan (not countable) | Quail Roost | 1-May-11 | |
93 | Bald Eagle | Quail Roost | 1-May-11 |
94 | American Kestrel | Quail Roost | 1-May-11 |
95 | Killdeer | Quail Roost | 1-May-11 |
96 | Rock Pigeon | Quail Roost | 1-May-11 |
97 | Acadian Flycatcher | Quail Roost | 1-May-11 |
98 | Blue-headed Vireo | Quail Roost | 1-May-11 |
99 | Purple Martin | Quail Roost | 1-May-11 |
100 | Cliff Swallow | Quail Roost | 1-May-11 |
101 | Grasshopper Sparrow | Quail Roost | 1-May-11 |
102 | White-crowned Sparrow | Quail Roost | 1-May-11 |
103 | Eastern Meadowlark | Quail Roost | 1-May-11 |
104 | Orchard Oriole | Quail Roost | 1-May-11 |
105 | Louisiana Waterthrush | West Point of the Eno Park | 1-May-11 |
106 | Rose-breasted Grosbeak | West Point of the Eno Park | 1-May-11 |
107 | Swainson's Thrush | 134 Pinecrest | 5-May-11 |
108 | Blackpoll Warbler | Maplewood House | 8-May-11 |
109 | Wood Thrush | 134 Pinecrest | 16-Jun-11 |
110 | Mississippi Kite | 134 Pinecrest | 19-Jun-11 |
111 | Eastern Wood-Pewee | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 20-Jun-11 |
112 | Yellow-throated Vireo | Duke University Wetland Center 'SWAMP' | 27-Jun-11 |
113 | Great Egret | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 3-Aug-11 |
114 | Semipalmated Plover | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 3-Aug-11 |
115 | Lesser Yellowlegs | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 3-Aug-11 |
116 | Semipalmated Sandpiper | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 3-Aug-11 |
117 | Pectoral Sandpiper | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 3-Aug-11 |
118 | Snowy Egret | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 4-Aug-11 |
119 | Black-crowned Night-Heron | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 4-Aug-11 |
120 | Osprey | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 4-Aug-11 |
121 | Spotted Sandpiper | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 4-Aug-11 |
122 | Western Sandpiper | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 4-Aug-11 |
123 | Least Sandpiper | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 4-Aug-11 |
124 | Greater Yellowlegs | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 22-Aug-11 |
125 | Short-billed Dowitcher | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 22-Aug-11 |
126 | Caspian Tern | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 22-Aug-11 |
127 | Pied-billed Grebe | Falls Lake--Railroad Grade (Durham County side) | 22-Aug-11 |
128 | Little Blue Heron | Falls Lake--Railroad Grade (Durham County side) | 22-Aug-11 |
129 | Sanderling | Falls Lake--Railroad Grade (Durham County side) | 22-Aug-11 |
130 | Stilt Sandpiper | Falls Lake--Railroad Grade (Durham County side) | 22-Aug-11 |
131 | Red-necked Phalarope | Falls Lake--Railroad Grade (Durham County side) | 22-Aug-11 |
132 | Black Tern | Falls Lake--Railroad Grade (Durham County side) | 22-Aug-11 |
133 | Willet | Falls Lake--Hickory Hills Boat Ramp | 22-Aug-11 |
134 | Common Nighthawk | Durham | 23-Aug-11 |
135 | American Golden-Plover | Falls Lake--Will Suitt mudflats | 28-Aug-11 |
136 | Piping Plover | Falls Lake--Will Suitt mudflats | 28-Aug-11 |
137 | Red Knot | Falls Lake--Will Suitt mudflats | 28-Aug-11 |
138 | Baird's Sandpiper | Falls Lake--Will Suitt mudflats | 28-Aug-11 |
139 | Ring-billed Gull | Falls Lake--Will Suitt mudflats | 28-Aug-11 |
140 | Chestnut-sided Warbler | Falls Lake--Will Suitt mudflats | 28-Aug-11 |
141 | Blue-winged Teal | Falls Lake--Railroad Grade (Durham County side) | 28-Aug-11 |
142 | Wood Stork | Falls Lake--Railroad Grade (Durham County side) | 28-Aug-11 |
143 | White-rumped Sandpiper | Falls Lake--Railroad Grade (Durham County side) | 28-Aug-11 |
144 | Buff-breasted Sandpiper | Falls Lake--Will Suitt mudflats | 4-Sep-11 |
145 | Forster's Tern | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 4-Sep-11 |
146 | Yellow-billed Cuckoo | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 4-Sep-11 |
147 | Northern Harrier | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 11-Sep-11 |
148 | American Avocet | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 11-Sep-11 |
149 | Parasitic Jaeger | Falls Lake--Hickory Hills Boat Ramp | 11-Sep-11 |
150 | American Oystercatcher | Falls Lake--Hickory Hills Boat Ramp | 18-Sep-11 |
151 | Bank Swallow | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 18-Sep-11 |
152 | Magnolia Warbler | 134 Pinecrest | 24-Sep-11 |
153 | Blackburnian Warbler | Brickhouse Rd. (Butner Gamelands) | 25-Sep-11 |
154 | Gray-cheeked Thrush | 134 Pinecrest | 1-Oct-11 |
155 | Eastern Screech-Owl | Duke Forest--Shepherd Nature Trail | 2-Oct-11 |
156 | Black-throated Blue Warbler | Duke Forest--Shepherd Nature Trail | 2-Oct-11 |
157 | Cape May Warbler | Falls Lake--Hickory Hills Boat Ramp | 20-Oct-11 |
158 | Long-billed Dowitcher | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 23-Oct-11 |
159 | Northern Shoveler | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 30-Oct-11 |
160 | Green-winged Teal | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 30-Oct-11 |
161 | Black-bellied Plover | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 30-Oct-11 |
162 | American Pipit | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 30-Oct-11 |
163 | Vesper Sparrow | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 30-Oct-11 |
164 | Ruddy Duck | Falls Lake--Hickory Hills Boat Ramp | 30-Oct-11 |
165 | Horned Grebe | Falls Lake--Hickory Hills Boat Ramp | 30-Oct-11 |
166 | American Coot | Falls Lake--Hickory Hills Boat Ramp | 30-Oct-11 |
167 | Bonaparte's Gull | Falls Lake--Hickory Hills Boat Ramp | 30-Oct-11 |
168 | Herring Gull | Falls Lake--Hickory Hills Boat Ramp | 30-Oct-11 |
169 | Nashville Warbler | Duke University - Levine Science Research Center | 1-Nov-11 |
170 | Tundra Swan | Falls Lake--Hickory Hills Boat Ramp | 5-Nov-11 |
171 | Ring-necked Duck | Falls Lake--Hickory Hills Boat Ramp | 5-Nov-11 |
172 | Dunlin | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 5-Nov-11 |
173 | American Wigeon | Falls Lake--Railroad Grade (Durham County side) | 5-Nov-11 |
174 | Lesser Scaup | Falls Lake--Hickory Hills Boat Ramp | 5-Nov-11 |
175 | Rusty Blackbird | Falls Lake -- Ellerbe Creek RR grade | 6-Nov-11 |
176 | Gadwall | Falls Lake--Cheek Road Causeway | 6-Nov-11 |
177 | Common Loon | Falls Lake--Rolling View | 6-Nov-11 |
178 | Hooded Merganser | Falls Lake--Hickory Hills Boat Ramp | 2-Dec-11 |
179 | Bufflehead | Falls Lake--Hickory Hills Boat Ramp | 11-Dec-11 |
180 | Anhinga | Quail Roost | 18-Dec-11 |
181 | Greater White-fronted Goose | Magic CBC goose ponds | 18-Dec-11 |
All those shorebirds... I feel sick about that run of birds on the Will Suite flats that I missed thinking that was Granville County.. Oops.
ReplyDeleteYeah the county line there is pretty idiosyncratic, but you won't see me complaining! There's a Google Earth layer for county borders that I found rather useful.
ReplyDeleteGoogleEarth for the iPhone shows county lines pretty well. I lean on that anymore. Won't make that mistake again. :)
ReplyDeleteI'd bet Will Cook or Jeff Pippen have had 200 plus years, but just haven't entered the records. I'd bet Will could get 200 without use of the internet.
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